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... is the game about?
The Real Investor strategy game is designed to help investors, managers, financiers, developers, analysts, consultants and other companies in the real estate sector develop winning strategies for business success. Realistic business relationships help players to establish strategic courses of action and recognize the financial consequences of their decisions. As you play, the interactive dynamics of your personal moves will teach you how to successfully deal with real business situations.
... is the aim of
the game,
and what can the
players win?
For each game set, the organizer picks a current topic, i.e. the successful solution to a challenging business situation. The Game Manager defines the details of the current situation and describes the key companies that could play a decisive role in resolving the situation. At the start, each team selects one of these companies as its role for this game set. Each team develops value-adding relationships with other teams and tries to use these relationships to increase the value of its company over the long term.
At the end of the game set, the players assess the dynamic actions of their chosen company on the basis of strategic criteria. The players leave the game set with enhanced strategic decision-making skills and an awareness of how the knowledge gained from the specific challenges faced by their company in the game can be applied to their real business. The game jury will select the best team, who will then be presented with the Real Investor Award by the game sponsor.
... organizes the
game set,
and who can take
Public game sets are organized in various European countries at universities and by professional institutions of the real estate sector. The players are normally post-graduate students or members of the organizing professional institution and selected external representatives of the management professions involved.
Companies in the real estate sector can also organize private game sets that are held within the context of the company. The company management can decide whether to limit participation to just internal managers, or if necessary to open up the game set to selected decision-makers at key customers, cooperation partners, service providers and suppliers.
... time does a
team have to
put in to be
successful in the
game set?
Depending on the topic, a public game set will involve 2 to 5 game rounds, with a total duration of around 3 to 5 months. After each game round, representatives from all the teams in the game set get together for 3 to 5 hours at a game meeting. Each player can decide for himself how much time he wants to spend in between meetings on planning personal moves with other players (via Internet, email or Skype). For a team with 2 to 4 players, a suitable amount of time would be 1 working day per player per game round.
In private game sets, the duration can be determined on an individual basis. If the Game Manager puts in sufficient preparation, the time commitment required from the teams can, if necessary, be reduced to just a few hours.
... do you play,
and how do you
Each team receives a game chest with game money and a USB stick with prepared game files. The teams must search for and obtain other game objects and information for their transactions using the World Wide Web. Experienced experts offer helpful suggestions, and the Game Manager informs the teams of relevant developments and events. The teams present their financial reports at the game meetings. The media partner will comment on how the game set is progressing, important background information and successful game strategies.
As in the real business world, players change the game on a continual basis — hopefully to their own benefit. Of course, all the other players are also trying to do the same thing by making strategic changes to their partners, values, agreements, tactics and the limits of their business. Faites vos jeux! Make the game your own and increase the value of your company. Strategic thinking and entrepreneurial action are what it takes.
... can I find out
more about the
The website offers information on game partners, reports on public game sets, secured access to a private gaming area in the World Wide Web and tips on how to use the Real Investor strategy game as part of strategic management training within your company. Please send any questions or applications to the Game Manager at info(at)